World Refrigeration Day 2020

World Refrigeration Day 2020

Called “The Coolest Day of the Year”Pro HVAC/R, & Pro Green Technologies locally hosted the second World Refrigeration Day (WRD), on June 26, 2020, at the Oberlin IGA, joining 1,000s of others throughout the world.This initiative is designed to raise the profileof...
A Wishlist for the Future of the Refrigeration Trade

A Wishlist for the Future of the Refrigeration Trade

From the fixtures themselves to the technologies that support them, we have seen the look and feel of commercial refrigeration change vastly in recent years. The push toward more simple, stable and sustainable solutions continues to create new opportunities for those...
Selection Criteria for Supermarket Refrigeration Checklist

Selection Criteria for Supermarket Refrigeration Checklist

For traditional supermarkets, deciding which refrigeration system to install in their store was mostly a matter of size and price. In light of recent market trends — from a need for flexible merchandise display cases to an emphasis on food quality and safety — the...
The Latest Trends for Self-Contained Refrigeration Units

The Latest Trends for Self-Contained Refrigeration Units

There’s a lot of buzz around self-contained refrigeration units — and for good reason. Not only are they easier to install and maintain than traditional remote units, but they are also far more energy-efficient and mobile. (More on those benefits in this blog post.)...